View Profile AuralMuser
Gamer, writer, cellist, daydreamer. Muser.

Age 37, Male

Contract Work, comps

North Texas

Joined on 5/13/08

Exp Points:
205 / 280
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
4.21 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
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I'm a gamer.

I've played video games for ages; since I was 5, I think. I still play them now. I love them, and I especially love the music in them. It's pretty much my favorite genre. I'm currently in college, with the goal of getting into the industry as (hopefully) a musician. The last semester, though, I realized I have a big problem.

I've never composed anything original longer than 30 seconds in my life. I'm usually working on theory exercises, and those have very definitive beginning and ends, with rules I have to follow. I've yet to make a remix or arrangement of existing music, much less a work of my own.

Browsing the Audio Portal the past few months, I figured this would be the perfect place to submit both remixes and arrangements and my own original works. I've enjoyed the music I've heard here, and hope that I'll be able to add to it.

I've decided to start off by arranging and remixing video game music I'm familiar with, so I have a sound and tune to start with and build off of. Once I'm more familiar with the programs I've got and my own skill, I'll start working on my own original music.

I will be going back to college in 3-4 months, and I hope to be working a job soon too. I also can't give up my inspiration (video games). But I promise to get a few pieces up this summer.
I definitely will appreciate any constructive criticism you can give. I know I'm not the best, but I want to get better. You guys and girls will be a major part of my improvement.



Recent Game Medals

1,335 Points

The Janitor 25 Points

Cleaned the Toilet

The Explorer 50 Points

Left the Bedroom

The Thief 25 Points

Unlocked the Safe

The Victim 25 Points

Stopped Laying Around

Johari appear! 5 Points

Get 5 clothes

George Cloney 25 Points

Get the clone to the end of a level

There's a starman 25 Points

Collect all the stars in a level

Smoooooth... 25 Points

Get a flawless run

No slo fo sho 25 Points

Dont use slow motion in a level

Eternal Pendant Of Infinity 25 Points

Beat the game